:: Picture Lanna :: ภาพล้านนาในอดีต :: คุณบุญเสริม สาตราภัย
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:: Picture Lanna :: ภาพล้านนาในอดีต :: คุณบุญเสริม สาตราภัย
Picture trails Overview & history Boonserm Satrabhaya Lanna past through pictures Acknowledgements Add your pictures Links

• Mr. Boonserm Satrabhaya
For allowing the Library and Information Technology Service Center to publish his biography and photos from his personal collection on the website of the Northern Thai Information Center, Chiang Mai University Library for research and study on Lanna and the Northern Region so the younger generation can come to love and have pride in their hometown.

• Associate Professor Usanee Thongchai
A lecturer at the History Department, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University for serving as an advisor and expert for the project. She has assisted in advising and revising the text part of all the photos to ensure correctness and reliability so that the information can be used as reference material.

• Assistant Professor Suwanna Tantayanusorn
A lecturer at the English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University for serving as a translator for the description of part of commercial area in Chiang Mai.

• Khun Saknarin Chaongiew
A staff of the Wiang Jed Lin Lanna Art and Culture Promotion Center who has written the captions in Lanna script for each of the photos in appearing in the exhibition presentation of “Tam Roi Lanna Chak Phab Thai Nai Adit” at Kad Suan Kaew department store.

• Khun Jakkree Tejawaree
Researcher at the Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University for the translation and corrections of English spellings of names and captions in the descriptions of the photos presented at the “Tam Roi Lanna Chak Phab Thai Nai Adit” exhibition at Kad Suan Kaew department store.

• Ajaan Sunet and Ajaan Lakhana Therawatsakun
for website music.

• Khun Khomsan Nanthi and Khun Thanachai Sukatta
of Lanna Music Band and the Suepsai Laimueang group for website music.

• Khun Niwat Tipkamol
Owner of Chiang Mai Mangkorn Thong gold shop for allowing the staff to take photos of Warorot Market area from the roof of his store and for past information about the shops along Vichayananda Road and stores around the market.

• Khun Warakorn Kosalasumonmas
Owner of “Chiang Mai Nai Adit” shop on Thapae road for information about the areas around the Uppakhut junction.

• Khun Sompong Indraraks
Owner of Salamong Osoth for information about the Thapae area.
:: Picture Lanna :: ภาพล้านนาในอดีต :: คุณบุญเสริม สาตราภัย
เว็บไซต์และฐานข้อมูลภาพล้านนาในอดีต โดย สำนักหอสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ และสำนักบริการเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
อนุญาตให้ใช้ได้ตาม สัญญาอนุญาตของครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลง
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