:: Picture Lanna :: ภาพล้านนาในอดีต :: คุณบุญเสริม สาตราภัย
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Displaying 52 of 1151 images for all of the keyword Winter fair

Boonserm Satrabhaya

   Apasara Hongsakul, Miss Universe 1965 leading the Miss Chiang Mai and runner up on the Winter Fair beauty contest stage, 1965.

Boonserm Satrabhaya

   Apasara Hongsakul, Miss Universe 1965 presenting the crown and sash to the Beauty Contestants who won the “Thin Thai Ngam” prize in the Winter Fair, 1965.

Boonserm Satrabhaya

   Apasara Hongsakul, Miss Universe 1965 right after she received the crown for Miss Thailand. She came to present the crown and sash to the beauty pageant winner at the Winter Fair, 1965.

Chiang Mai University

   Atmosphere in Chiang Mai University Booth at the Winter Fair, 1965

Boonserm Satrabhaya

   Behind the stage. Beauty contestants of the Chiang Mai Winter Fair had come down to get warm by the coal stoves behind the stage due to the cold weather. Some of them shivered on stage during the contest.

Chiang Mai University

   Chiang Mai University Booth at the Winter Fair, 1965

Hong Hoop Lamphun

   Exhibition pavilions of several government offices at the Constitution Day Celebration Fair.

Chiang Mai University

   Faculty of Agriculture’ exhibition in Chiang Mai University Booth at the Winter Fair, 1965

Chiang Mai University

   Faculty of Humanities’ exhibition in Chiang Mai University Booth at the Winter Fair, 1965

Hong Hoop Lamphun

   Hariphunphanit shop joining the exhibitions at the Constitution Day Celebration Fair.

Hong Hoop Lamphun

   Inthaphanit Shop joined in the exhibition at the Constitution Day Celebration Fair in 1937 in Lamphun.

Boonserm Satrabhaya

   Lambrettas joined in the beauty contestants parades in the Winter Fair of Chiang Mai taken at Sri Nakhon Phing intersection, 1961.

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:: Picture Lanna :: ภาพล้านนาในอดีต :: คุณบุญเสริม สาตราภัย
เว็บไซต์และฐานข้อมูลภาพล้านนาในอดีต โดย สำนักหอสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ และสำนักบริการเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
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